
Buckeye Catholic Student Organization:

Looking to dive further into helping run the mission of Buckeye Catholic? Sign up for our student organization! We have many different roles and positions with which you can use your gifts!

Deadline to apply for ‘24 - ‘25 school year is March 8th.

Sign Up Here

Weekly Opportunities:

Through our Buckeye Catholic service team, there are lots of opportunities to volunteer!


Run the Race is an organization in downtown Columbus aimed to serve underprivileged children in the area by providing after-school care and fun activities for those of all ages under 18. They have multiple opportunities to serve:

*Permission was granted to show pictures of the children of Run the Race*

Hospital Ministry:

Help bring Holy Communion to patients in the hospital here on Ohio State’s campus! You do not need to be trained previously in order to serve! If interested, please contact the priest running the ministry, Fr. Michael Lumpe, at [email protected].